One Act Play from Korea #153

Strapping American and his Korean wife are walking inside the courtyard of the apartment complex they are staying at. They have heard that the subway station is “right outside” but are having issues locating it. They come upon a group of three Korean women.

American: We should ask them where the subway is.

Wife (in Korean): Excuse me, we’re looking for the subway. Which way is it?

The three Korean women think for a beat, then all at the same time

Korean Women (in Korean): Uhhhhh, right over there!

While each one is pointing in a different direction.

American: Ask them which on is closest.

Fun Facts About Eating in Korea

If you go to a “fancy” “American” resturant, and you see “Steak” on the menu, it’s not what you thinking it is. Normally you think a nice slab of beef, right? And it sounds really good because you have lots of choices as to what you want on top of it: bacon, different kinds of cheeses, mushrooms, kimchee, etc. What you’ll actually get is meatloaf. And pretty bland meatloaf at that too. The same goes for cheesecake, they don’t put any sugar in it.

If you actually want a real steak you must go to a “real” American resturant. Namely TGI Fridays or Bennigans. You’ll have your choice too because they are right next door to each other.

TGI Friday's next door to Bennigans

But really, let’s be honest here, aren’t they the *same thing*? No, and I’ll tell you why.

TGI Fridays:

* Valet Parking (I’m not kidding)
* No booze in the cocktails. They say they are putting the stuff in, but it’s not in there. They also refused to add more (assuming there was any in there to start) because it would “ruin the recipe”.


* BOOZE IN THE DRINKS! Whoot! Quite a bit, actually. Good for them.
* In America you can get a Monte Cristo, which is a ham, turkey and cheese club sandwich that is deep fried and sprinked with powdered sugar. Sounds good, right? In the Korean Bennigans you can get *any sandwich on the menu* “cooked” like that. It’s an option like SuperSizing or Curly Fries.
