Teh Bunjai

I was cleaning out the garage and I found a Bush/Quayle 2000 poster in the garage. I was planning on just throwing it away, but our dog went nuts when she saw it and ate it all up. We are obviously raising her right… er, left, er… “sane”. Yes, that’s the word I was looking for.

TSW Reunion

One shot deal to jump on the ECW One Night Stand wave. I was scheduled for half the matches, but someone wanted a ref bump so I dropped a match.

1. Shockwave vs. Flamingo – Shockwave has a metal armor gimmick thing with sparklers and everything. He wins with the 450.

2. Outkast Killahs vs. Swinger and Steve Kruz – Killahs win with the East Coast (?) Killer.

3. Punk vs. Texas Outlaw vs. Buttery Bert – Main Event. Punk wins with DVD variation. Not sure if it was a rib or what, but the finish and actual match structure (from one-fall or elimination) changed sometime from when I went through the curtain and when the first fall occured. Fun fun.

Swimming Hole Review – McLaughlin Falls

This is located in the Green Mountain National Forest between Mendon and Rutland. It’s pretty well secluded, on a one lane dirt road about five miles from any pavement either by Notch Road or Rt. 4. We stopped by one afternoon after work and due to the late time of day, the massive amounts of tree cover and the fact that it’s fed by a river, the water was freezing cold. The dog didn’t seem to mind too much though. The water get gradually deeper from the stone beach until it’s about 6-7 feet directly under a beautiful waterfall. You can tell that this a treasured, “safe” spot for a some people (vist, and you’ll get the joke). Getting down to the water is a bit of an adventure in and of itself. There is ample, off road parking available and room for fires and tents.
